Media Contacts Database

Discover relevant, influential contacts in a smarter media database powered by AI and human-curated research.

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Be More Successful With Your PR Outreach

Improve your pitches, build better relationships with the media, and uncover more earned media opportunities. With a powerful search engine and access to hundreds of thousands of contacts and editorial calendars, you can easily find relevant journalists and publishing opportunities based on the criteria you choose.

Build Better Lists With Human Curation and Artificial Intelligence

Our media contacts database is unique because contacts are curated using technology and manual research. Powered by our social listening platform, our proprietary recommendation engine continually scans global media sources to surface relevant contacts to you in real time with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), uncovering contacts you might not already be aware of. You can also search our database of global contacts which is updated and verified by our in-house research team. Building the perfect list is easy.

Build Better Lists With Human Curation
Manage Your Contacts and Your Media Outreach
Manage Your Media Contacts and Your Media Outreach

Our database is a fine-tuned search engine that lets you quickly discover the most relevant and influential journalists based on their reach and recent articles. It’s easy to upload your own contacts and create targeted lists based on your specific needs. Reach out to media contacts 1:1, engage with them on social media, and send branded emails - direct outreach from the Notified PR platform is easy.

Reach key influencers with Enriched Emails - feature-rich, engaging emails which take advantage of flexible templates and simple layout tools

More Than a Media Contacts Database: Improve Your Workflow With the Notified PR Platform

The Notified PR platform powers your communications with social listening and media monitoring, a media contacts database, press release distribution, newsroom publishing, and PR measurement. It’s built to support your PR workflow with integrated modules and user-friendly tools in one place – no more disconnected systems and logins.

Real-time data and analytics flow seamlessly, providing you with a unified data layer and a single source of truth to help you measure your performance and ROI across social media and earned media. Our technology innovates at the speed of communications, taking advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to quickly surface actionable insights so you can make more informed business decisions.

The Notified PR Platform v3