The profit result of Fionia Bank A/S for the first half of 2009 confirms that the equity capital of Fionia Holding A/S has been lost.

Half-year result:
After-tax profit of DKK -1,852 million.
At the end of June 2009, Fionia Holding A/S's equity capital was negative, at
DKK -865 million. 
General Manager Jørgen Bast has resigned from the Management Board, as
announced in the company notification of 6 July 2009. The Management Board now
comprises Kaj Østergaard Mortensen, as Managing Director. Kaj Østergaard
Mortensen is today resigning from the Management Board of Fionia Holding A/S,
but will continue as Managing Director of Fionia Bank A/S. 
A decision on the future of Fionia Holding A/S will be announced in September.

