New Chief Risk Officer at the Swedish Export Credit Corporation

Per Jedefors has been appointed as the new Chief Risk Officer at the Swedish
Export Credit Corporation (SEK). His role will be to strengthen SEK's risk
culture and ensure that SEK manages risks in line with best practice, and in
line with increased requirements on financial institutions.

Per Jedefors joins SEK from the European Investment Bank (EIB), where he was
Director General of the Risk Management Directorate. Prior to this he worked at
the World Bank and at SEB for a long time, where his duties included
responsibility for credit matters.

"Per has a unique breadth of knowledge within the field of risk and the
significant experience he brings will strengthen SEK's risk unit," said SEK's
President Peter Yngwe.

Per Jedefors will be a permanent member of SEK's senior management.

"SEK are experts in international financing and it is a real professional
challenge to develop SEK's risk culture in line with the increased needs of the
export industry and stricter requirements from authorities," commented Per
Jedefors in his new position.

For further information please contact Johan Winlund, Head of Communications at
SEK, on +46 8 613 84 88.
