Large shareholder announcement pursuant to Section 29 of the Securities Trading Act and Section 55 of the Companies Act

Today U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S has received the following announcement from Bulk Invest A/S, CVR no. 29 68 75 79, which is hereby made public in accordance with Section 29(1)(3) of the Securities Trading Act:


With reference to Section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act and Sections 55 and 56 of the Danish Companies Act, Bulk Invest A/S (”BIAS”) hereby informs that BIAS today sold off 414,130 shares in U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S (the “Company”) at a total nominal value of DKK 414,130 (the “Shares”). The Shares have been transferred to Ultragas ApS (“Ultragas”).

Following the abovementioned transaction BIAS directly holds 1,165,859 shares of nominally DKK 1 each, corresponding to 4.3% of the share capital of the Company.


Sincerely yours,

U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S
