Auriga, Reporting of insider transactions in Auriga shares

Auriga Industries A/S, Harboøre, Denmark, 2015-12-16 09:34 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  


Company announcement no. 27/2015

16 December 2015


Reporting of insider transactions in Auriga shares

Pursuant to Section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act (Værdipapirhandelsloven), Auriga must report information concerning transactions in Auriga shares and related securities by the company’s insiders. The following list is based on the insiders’ reports received by Auriga today.

Name Jens Peter Due Olsen
Job position Chairman of the Board
Issuer Auriga Industries A/S
ID code (ISIN code) DK0010233816
Description of the security Shares
Nature of the transaction Sale
Date of trading (Effect date of share buy-back program) 16 December 2015
Market, where trading was affected Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of traded securities 4,122 shares
Market price in DKK of traded securities DKK 10,717.20


Name Torben Svejgård
Job position Board member and CEO
Issuer Auriga Industries A/S
ID code (ISIN code) DK0010233816
Description of the security Shares
Nature of the transaction Sale
Date of trading (Effect date of share buy-back program) 16 December 2015
Market, where trading was affected Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of traded securities 2,375 shares
Market price in DKK of traded securities DKK 6,175.00




Lene Faurskov
Manager, Investor Relations
Tel. +45 41640504










Auriga - Reporting of insider transactions in Auriga shares_2015-12-16.pdf