PA Resources distributes notice of written procedure to holders of SEK denominated bond

PA Resources AB (“the company”) has today distributed notice of written
procedure to the holders of its SEK denominated bond (“SEK-bond”) regarding
proposed changes to the terms and conditions to allow for delisting and reduced
requirements for financial reporting.

As part of the Reorganisation Plan adopted by the creditors in October 2015, PA
Resources agreed to delist its shares in order to save costs. The company has
applied for delisting of its shares from the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange and the
last day of trading has been set to 15 January 2016. In order to realise further
savings, the company has decided to proceed with the delisting of its SEK-bond.

The written procedure will allow the holders of the SEK-bond to approve changes
to the terms and conditions of the bond agreement to allow for delisting of the
bond and reduce the reporting requirements on the company. The notice of the
written procedure has been distributed today and will be completed at 17.00 CET
on the 22 January 2016. The notice will be available on the company’s website

Stockholm 23 December, 2015
PA Resources AB (publ)

For additional information, please contact:

Petter Hjertstedt, Investor Relations
Phone:   +46 8 545 211 50

The above information has been made public in accordance with the Securities
Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
published at 08:30 CET 23 December 2015.

