Nordnet: Monthly statistics August

Information about Nordnet is available at
In August, 1,963,193 trades were made in stocks, warrants and options among
Nordnet’s customers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. That corresponds to
85,356 trades per day. The number of customers in the end of August was 534,600,
which is 6,000 more than previous month. The number of accounts was 689,600
which is 8,400 more than previous month. Net savings for the month was SEK 1,300
million and the savings capital was SEK 221 billion. Lending to customers by the
end of August was SEK 8.3 billion.

Table: Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all
customers, and average number of trades per day. Average number of trades per
day is calculated as total trades divided by the number of days the Swedish
exchanges are open. Accounts, customers, net savings, savings capital and
lending are based on preliminary data.

                     August     August     Change    July       Change
                     2016       2015       one year  2016       one month
Number of trades
Sweden               1,078,514  866,802    24.4%     850,447    26.8%
Norway               238,358    213,126    11.8%     191,505    24.5%
Denmark              354,143    369,591    -4.2%     281,171    26.0%
Finland              292,178    295,651    -1.2%     278,030    5.1%
Total                1,963,193  1,745,170  12.5%     1,601,153  22.6%
Average per day      85,356     83,103     2.7%      76,245     11.9%
Traded value cash    66,694     65,752     1.4%      54,722     21.9%
market (SEK
Active customers     534,600    472,800    13.1%     528,600    1.1%
Active accounts      689,600    602,600    14.4%     681,200    1.2%
Net savings (SEK     1,300      2,100      -38.1%    1,000      30.0%
Savings capital      221        193        14.5%     216        2.1%
(SEK billion)
Margin lending       4,855      4,116      17.9%     4,652      4.4%
excluding cash and
cash equivalents
(SEK million)
Personal Loans (SEK  2,961      2,437      21.5%     2,900      2.1%
Mortgage (SEK        491        -          -         369        33.0%

* Cash market relates to trades in stocks, warrants, ETFs and certificate.

** A capital of 0.3 SEK billion was transferred to Söderberg & Partners from
Nordnet during August as a result of the reduced partner cooperation. A total of
SEK 10.2 billion related to Söderberg & Partners has been transferred from

*** Nordnet launched mortgage in April 2016. The lending volume was published
for the first time in May 2016, which is why there are no comparison data
available for 2015.

Watch CFO Jacob Kaplan and CCO Johan Tidestad comment on the monthly statistics
at 13:45 at Twitter/Periscope. Link on Twitter @Nordnet.
For more information, please contact:

Håkan Nyberg, CEO |, 0703 970 904

 Johan Tidestad, Chief Communication Officer |, 0708
875 775

This is information that Nordnet AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to
the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication,
through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 12:30 CET on 1
September 2016.
Nordnet is a bank for investments and savings with business in Sweden, Denmark,
Finland and Norway. The idea behind Nordnet is to give customers control of
their money, and the goal is to become the no. 1 choice for investments and
savings in the Nordics. Nordnet AB (publ) is listed in Nasdaq Stockholm. Visit
us at,,, or

