Removal of Technopolis Plc from VINX Benchmark Index (31/18)

The following information is based on a press release from the company on October 11, 2018 and may be subject to change.

The voluntary public cash tender offer of Technopolis Plc (TPS1V, FI0009006886) by Kildare Nordic Acquisitions S.à r.l. has received acceptances more than 90% of entire share capital in TPS1V (excluding treasury shares).

In accordance to the “Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the VINX All-Share, Benchmark, Tradable and Sector Indexes”, Version 2.3, rule 5.9, NASDAQ Global Index Group will remove TPS1V from VINX Benchmark index effective October 16, 2018. Last inclusion date for TPS1V will be October 15, 2018. There will be no replacement of the constituent in the index until the next semi-annual review is effective.

For further information concerning this notice please contact Nasdaq Global Indexes Operation Team, telephone US - + 1 844 717-0708 or International Callers – Non-US Callers - + 1 301 978 8311 or email at

