FeatureXpress Provides "Themed" Content to the Media

NORWALK, Conn., May 21, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- eNewsRelease and PrimeZone Media Network today announced the creation of FeatureXpress, a news distribution service providing themed, feature content coinciding with seasonal events and the media's editorial calendar.

The initial distribution of FeatureXpress was released on May 21 with the theme "Bridal, Beauty & Fashion." The next delivery is scheduled for June 4 and will provide feature stories on "Food, Health and Fitness"; "Travel and Leisure" will follow on June 18.

A regular schedule of themes has been established. The editorial calendar is available for review and members of the media may register to receive distribution copy at www.featurexpress.com.

FeatureXpress content will be distributed to the nation's top newspapers and the leading online databases via PrimeZone Media Network's distribution system. In addition, a digest of each release will be compiled and distributed to more than 4,000 weekly newspapers and more than 3,000 radio and TV broadcast destinations contained in the eNewsRelease media database.

eNewsRelease CEO Jon Victor said: "FeatureXpress provides the broadest possible distribution of feature content timed to coincide with the media's need to receive it. Moreover, our friends in the media have warmly endorsed our plan to distribute content both over the wire, as well as in an easy-to-use digest form."

PrimeZone's Tom Madden said: "We are extremely pleased to be working with eNewsRelease in the creation of this new service. PrimeZone's expanding distribution network is perfectly suited for these types of packages, which we feel provide excellent media content."

For more information, visit www.featureXpress.com. Contact eNewsRelease at www.enewsrelease.com, tel: 888-607-9101, or write 109 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850; PrimeZone Media Network may be reached at www.primezone.com, 310-642-6930, or 5200 W. Century Blvd., Suite 470, Los Angeles CA 90045

Contact: eNewsRelease
         Jon Victor, CEO 
         (203) 846-2811

         PrimeZone Media Network
         Tom Madden, CEO
         (310) 642-6930 ext. 1