Naughtybits(R) Algae Tabs Grab National Spotlight as the Most Nutritious Food On Earth

Sixty Years After Algae Was First Expected to Solve America's Nutrition Crisis, Naughtybits(R) Algae Tabs Deliver Concentrated Nutrition That is Fast and Fun

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Catharine Arnston


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BOSTON, Oct. 18, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Naughty Nutritionist ® Inc. whose brand makes nutrition fun and easy for active consumers and athletes, announced today the national launch of their algae tabs: ENERGYbits™, RECOVERYbits™ and VITALITYbits™, collectively known as Naughtybits®. It's only appropriate that a Boston company is putting algae back in the spotlight, for Boston is where the story of algae first grabbed national attention sixty years ago. In 1951, algae was touted as being the answer to America's escalating nutritional needs. Earlier research funded by The Carnegie Institute had confirmed that algae's protein and nutritional profile was unmatched by anything else in the world. It was time to put algae to the test and into production. Boston was selected as the site and America's first commercial algae facility was off and running. It was a world first.

This all took place sixty years ago when algae was expected to provide the solution for the country's escalating nutritional needs. The intense focus on algae had resulted from its successful use as a protein source in both Germany and Japan, when starvation had been rampant after WW I and WW II. With two successful deployments of algae as food during both wars, algae looked like it could be the perfect solution for America's escalating protein needs as large numbers of soldiers returned home to start families.

Research into algae as a food source had been funded by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Institutes 1947-1950 and the promising results had led to the decision in 1951 to fund the first commercial algae plant. It was a pilot plant but it was still the world's first. Arthur D. Little built the plant in their Boston (Cambridge) MA facility amid enthusiastic projections and high expectations, which ultimately couldn't be met. A year later, algae proved too challenging to grow in a cost effective manner. The pilot plant was shuttered and so were Boston's dreams of being the city to bring algae to mainstream America and solve the country's nutrition crisis.

But the story doesn't end there. W hile Boston's chance to introduce algae to America did not transpire as hoped in 1951, sixty years later another Boston company, The Naughty Nutritionist® Inc.may finally make the dream come true in 2011. How this came about is a testament to the miracle of algae. After the Cambridge pilot plant closed, the Japanese took a stab at growing algae. They seemed more determined to get it right, possibly because chlorella algae had not only saved them from starvation but had also healed them from Hiroshima's radiation poisoning. It took ten years and countless attempts but by the early 1960's, the Japanese were growing chlorella algae on a large scale and had even patented some of the production techniques. Algae is now a multi billion dollar industry in Japan. Most Japanese don't leave home in the morning without first taking their chlorella algae, similar to how many Americans take Vitamin C. However, algae's nutritional profile is a hundred times greater than that of Vitamin C. In fact, algae has been heralded by The World Bank, The United Nations and many other world authorities as being the most nutritionally dense food in the world. Even NASA says "1 kg of algae has the nutritional value of 1,000 kg of fruits and vegetables."

With 50 years of use in Asia confirming its safety and over 100,000 scientific studies confirming its nutritional profile (unmatched by anything in the world), the Founder of The Naughty Nutritionist® felt it was time that mainstream Americans were told about this remarkable super food. Ironically, the endless amounts of data and research documenting the benefits of algae resulted in it taking over two years for the company to sift through the data to select a handful of talking points that could make algae fun and easy for mainstream Americans to understand. The stakes are high. Something needs to be done to end America's health and nutrition crisis. The debate is no longer whether good nutrition is the answer. It is. The larger question is how to encourage more Americans, especially young consumers to take a bigger interest in it. Algae could be the solution. And why not? It is a nutritional gold mine and now that it's successfully grown for large scale consumption, production is no longer the challenge. Figuring out how to encourage Americans to take it, is.

The products and branding introduced today by the Naughty Nutritionist® may provide the answer.  They make algae easy to understand, hip and even stylish. It's certainly a new approach. Some even might say, revolutionary. But it's hard not to smile at the brand or company name. And that's the whole point. The Naughty Nutritionist's® primary goal is to make nutrition and algae fun. And why not? Steve Jobs used a similar strategy to make computers fun, and in so doing, he totally transformed the tech landscape and grew Apple into one of the world's most adored and successful brands worldwide. Sixty years have passed since algae first arrived in Boston. Today's national launch of Naughtybits® algae tabs, may finally give both Boston and algae the chance to regain the nutritional spotlight they well deserve.

Welcome home algae.

Two Algae, Three Products, World Class Nutrition

The Naughty Nutritionist® Inc. has three algae products: ENERGYbits™, RECOVERYbits™ and VITALITYbits™ algae tabs. Collectively they are referred to as Naughtybits® algae tabs. Algae provides three times more protein than steak (twelve times the amount of bio-available protein), fifty times more iron than spinach, four times more chlorophyll than wheat grass, most B Vitamins, all of the electrolytes and forty other nutrients. All for just one calorie per tab. Algae has eighteen of the twenty two amino acids including all eight essential amino acids that the body cannot make itself, making algae a "complete protein." Not only does algae have the highest concentration of protein found in any food (over 60% protein) it is the most nutritionally dense food in the world, which may explain why Olympic athletes and astronauts have eaten it for decades.

ONE ingredient, Unlimited Benefits

Naughtybits™ algae tabs have just one ingredient – algae. 1) ENERGYbits™ which are 100% spirulina algae 2) RECOVERYbits™ which are 100% chlorella algae 3) VITALITYbits™ which are a 50/50 blend of the aforementioned two algae

Algae provides physical and mental energy, absorbs toxins, strengthens the immune system, prevents colds, stops fatigue or hunger, builds muscle, aids weight loss and even seems to prevent hangovers. Swallow or chew a handful (12-30) of Naughtybits® algae tabs, like a handful of nuts to see energy return, hunger disappear, immune system strengthen and one's nutritional needs for the day be met. The health benefits from each of the Naughtybits ® products are extraordinary but different. ENERGYbits™ are a nitrogen based algae. They release nitric oxide into the body which opens up blood vessels, allowing oxygen and nutrients to rapidly and easily reach the muscles and brain. This, combined with the highest concentration of protein and second highest concentration of Essential Fatty Acid, GLA (second only to mothers' milk) provides a mental "wake up", renewed physical energy and a sense of fullness. As a result, ENERGYbits™ are the best selection when looking for a healthy, high protein snack, help with weight loss, a more natural way to fight fatigue, recharge one's energy, eliminate brain fog or feel refreshed. In contrast, RECOVERYbits™ algae tabs are an oxygen based algae. They release oxygen at the cellular level to help fight viruses, bacteria and other organisms that challenge the immune system. They also have the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals. RECOVERYbits also absorb and remove any toxin from the body. They are the best choice for detoxing, preventing a cold or recovering from stress, illness or alcohol. VITALITYbits™ algae tabs are a 50/50 mix of both algae and provide an effective but less concentrated blend of all benefits.

Safe through the ages and safe for all ages

Naughtybits® algae tabs are safe. What's not in them is as important as what is. Naughtybits® algae tabs are free of artificial ingredients, contain no caffeine, chemicals, sugar, GMO, preservatives, animal products or gluten. Grown organically, they are 100% green, 100% natural, 100% raw, and 100% algae. In Japan, algae has been taken daily for over 50 years. The Japanese add algae to everything, from face creams to wasabi so its no wonder algae is a multibillion dollar industry there. The Japanese are also legendary for their extraordinary health and longevity. Could it be the algae? Perhaps. But the Japanese aren't the only fans of algae. Consumers, environmentalists, fitness enthusiasts, celebrities, homeopaths, trainers and athletes from all over the world, of all ages, from babies to grandparents have been taking algae for decades. It's America's turn now.

How to take Naughtybits® algae tabs.

Each Naughtybits® algae tab is the size of a tic tac®, and a single serving of 12 tabs delivers an amount of nutrition that exceeds that found in a typical serving of greens or a protein bar. For less money and ninety percent fewer calories too. The minimum daily serving size is 12 tabs per day, however at least 2-5 times that amount is recommended to see any significant improvement in one's health or energy. Since algae is food, there are no known drug interactions, side affects or restrictions on how many to eat. The founder has eaten 100 tabs/day for over 2 years. Each serving of 12 tabs is like a mini meal, and at a mini cost of $1.38 per serving, provides high value nutrition. The tabs can be chewed or swallowed with a beverage. They can be taken alone, with food, prior to a meal or instead of a meal. They naturally and immediately curb one's appetite which is why some people eat them as a mid day snack or a meal on the run. Others eat the tabs with fruit, mix them into yogurt, or sprinkle them over a salad. Pets love them too. ENERGYbits™ are particularly beneficial to take during the day as a healthy snack or prior to a workout or athletic activity since they provide body and mind with immediate and natural energy. RECOVERYbits™ are particularly beneficial in the evening because they detox the body and help build the immune system. When taken after drinking alcohol, they have even been found to prevent hangovers. VITALITYbits™ are like a double date with health and are an "all-in-one" algae solution.

Why Algae is One Super Food you Don't Want to be Without

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), over 70% of Americans suffer from malnutrition and 97% of all chronic illnesses are related to these nutritional deficiencies. Americans are, as one public health official puts it "overfed and undernourished." Clearly something needs to be done to correct this deteriorating situation. Algae could be the answer. For over 50 years, algae has been considered to be the most nutritionally dense food in the world and endorsed by world health authorities like The United Nations, The World Bank and NASA. Algae is neither a fad nor a fraud. It's simply been misunderstood, overlooked and poorly marketed to mainstream America. The launch of Naughtybits® algae tabs may change that.

W here to Purchase Naughtybits® Algae Tabs

Naughtybits® algae tabs are only available for purchase online from the company's website at They are sold in large re-sealable bags of 1,000 tabs (83 servings of 12 tabs/serving) for $115.00 and are shipped nationally and internationally. In late 2012, small size tins containing 75 tabs will be sold through health clubs, cafes, spas,and specialty retailers.

About The Naughty Nutritionist Inc.®:

The Naughty Nutritionist Inc.® is a nutraceuticals company based in Boston, MA. The company's vision and mission is to make nutrition hip, stylish, fast and fun for consumers, fitness enthusiasts, athletes, musicians, performers or anyone looking for a natural way to improve their energy or health. The first products are ENERGYbits™, RECOVERYbits™ and VITALITYbits™ algae tabs which are collectively sold under the brand name Naughtybits®. The company was a semi-finalist in the 2010 MassChallenge Competition ( , the worlds largest startup competition based in Boston. The Founder and CEO of The Naughty Nutritionist, Catharine Arnston, has an MBA, is a Board Certified Health Counselor, has 25 years experience as a marketing executive and has founded three previous internet companies. For information about the products please visit For more information about the company contact Founder and CEO Catharine Arnston at, 617-886-5106, (cell) 617-642-0782

The Naughty Nutritionist Inc.® is a nutraceuticals company based in Boston, MA. The company's vision and mission is to make nutrition hip, stylish, fast and fun for consumers, fitness enthusiasts,athletes, musicians, performers or anyone looking for a natural way to improve their energy or health. The first products are ENERGYbits™, RECOVERYbits™ and VITALITYbits™ algae tabs, which are collectively sold under the brand name Naughtybits®.

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The following files are available for download:

wkr0005.pdf PDF
wkr0006.pdf 1951 Report By Carnegie Institute about Algae Pilot Plant built by Arthur D. Little in Cambrige MA
wkr0007.pdf FAQ about taking Naughtybits algae tabs
wkr0008.pdf Testimonials from customers about results from using our Naughtybits algae tabs
wkr0009.pdf Bio of Founder and CEO, Catharine Arnston
[Image] got algae video
[Image] photo of CEO
[Image] Head shot of CEO
[Image] ENERGYbits product description front
[Image] RECOVERYbits product description page front
[Image] VITALITYbits product description page front
[Image] three tins of Naughtybits wtih naughtyboys
[Image] beauty image
[Image] sports balls with gummies
[Image] cup of ENERGYbits
[Image] travel with your bits
[Image] dress with ENERGYbits
[Image] even buddha approves of naughtybits
[Image] bits go everywhere your flip flops go
[Image] meditate with your bits
[Image] RECOVERYbits are great after partying
[Image] race, don't walk to get some bits
[Image] recover from the NFL game with bits
[Image] your bits will make you do flips
[Image] ENERGYbits energize you
[Image] VITALITYbits for life and longevity
[Image] RECOVERYbits help you recover
[Image] CEO walking
[Image] CEO in company colors
[Image] Naughty Nutritionist makes health FUN
[Image] CEO sitting
[Image] CEO with sparkle
[Image] CEO with sparkle 2
[Image] welcome to naughtybits
[Image] energy and boxing gloves
[Image] handbag with pearls
[Image] recovery with red car