Ingen hemmelige kost
Ingen hemmelige kostnadskutt i Telenor
January 21, 2002 04:48 ET | Telenor
Dagens oppslag i Finansavisen ser ut til å blande sammen flere prosjekter som alle har til oppgave å kutte kostnader. Her følger en presisering av det arbeidet som nå pågår: 1. Telenor igangsatte...
Norwegian Armed Forces Order More Than 1,000 Secure Tiger Telephones from Sectra
January 21, 2002 04:48 ET | Sectra
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 21, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Swedish IT and telecom company Sectra has secured an order from the Norwegian Armed Forces for series delivery of the eavesdrop-secure Tiger(r) GSM...
NKT: Sale of Property
January 21, 2002 04:37 ET | NKT Holding
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan. 21, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- NKT's real estate company, Priorparken A/S, has sold one of its properties to a Danish investor group (K/S Priorparken 680, c/o Advokatfirmaet Jordan...
The Belimo Group inc
The Belimo Group increases sales and earnings
January 21, 2002 04:33 ET | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Belimo-Gruppe steige
Belimo-Gruppe steigert Umsatz und Gewinn
January 21, 2002 04:31 ET | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Le groupe Belimo aug
Le groupe Belimo augmente son chiffre d'affaires et son bénéfice
January 21, 2002 04:30 ET | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Birdstep Technology Expands Into China and Announces Strategic Partnership with Xel Ltd.
January 21, 2002 04:30 ET | Birdstep Technology ASA
OSLO, Norway, Jan. 21, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Birdstep Technology announces a strategic partnership with Xel Ltd., a leading Chinese wireless company specializing in wireless architecture, networking...
January 21, 2002 04:11 ET | DNO ASA
Det vises til børsmelding 1146 / 040102. DNO ASA mottok den 18. januar 2002 aksept om frivillig salg av 12.802 DNO-aksjer til kurs 14,92. Fredag 18. januar 2002 var siste dag i akseptperioden for...
Frontec Signs Integration Services Agreement with Statoil
January 21, 2002 03:40 ET | Frontec
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 21, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Frontec has signed a two-year agreement with Norwegian energy producer Statoil (NYSE:STO) on integration solutions for Statoil's Scandinavian...
Nordea: WAP Services Now Into GPRS Era
January 21, 2002 03:29 ET | Nordea
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 21, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nordea, a pioneer in electronic banking, has today launched its mobile services in the GPRS network in Finland. GPRS connections (General Packet...